Things that a Truck Driver Should Follow to Avoid Corona Virus Infection

17th September 2019

The breakout of Coronavirus infection has been so widespread since the beginning of 2020 that it has reached the level of a global pandemic. It is largely gripping people irrespective of region, nationalities, and ethnicities. So, today we all are at risk of viral infection which has taken the world by storm. Billions of citizens across the globe are under the heavy obligation of taking all the necessary steps in the rapid proliferation of this deadly infection. 

After a nationwide lockdown in India, the unlocking is in progress and with the same, the trucking industry has also started working in full swing. Despite massive awareness campaigns by the Indian Government and Media, the truck drivers mostly due to their reckless nature often do not bother to follow the norms that are necessarily required for the containment of this highly contagious virus hence you be aware while opting tata ace for shifting in Noida

Tips for the truck drivers to slow down the massive spread of Covid-19 

The trucking industry is such that the truck drivers have to be on the move always to fulfill their professional duties. Thus, this extensive traveling makes them more and more susceptible to infection as they come in contact with a lot of people, dine in the dhabas etc. The tata ace for shifting in Delhi NCR is high in demand for household shifting and for the transportation of the various business consignments. Thus, truck drivers serve a lot of clients on a daily basis. So, it is very necessary for truck drivers to follow the necessary precautions to save themselves and also to prevent the spread of infection to the people around them which also includes their clients. 

Here are the precautions that the truck drivers who offer tata ace for shifting in Gurgaon, as well as all others, adhere to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infection. 

  • Washing or sanitizing hands regularly - This is imperative to wash hands with soap or sanitize hands with a sanitizer containing at least 70% Ethyl alcohol to prevent the infection. This is human nature to touch their face, eyes, nose, and mouth often. So, the hands should always remain clean in order to prevent any unwanted viral infection. 
  • Avoiding handshakes - The truck drivers obviously get to meet a lot of people during their journey. The truck drivers should always make it a point to avoid handshakes & should preferably greet people from a distance. Also, truck drivers should avoid any kind of physical contact to help prevent the spread of the virus.  
  • Wearing a face mask mandatorily - Coronavirus spreads through the droplets that are released during the time of coughing or sneezing. So, in order to prevent this, the truck drivers should necessarily wear a face mask. 
  • Transport things which are highly necessary only - The transportation of goods which are not very urgent and can be feasibly delayed should be delayed for the time being. The useless movements of trucks should be curtailed in order to prevent the chances of spreading the virus. 
  • To stay away from work in case of symptoms - Truck drivers often do not care much about their health. But especially in these times, they should take care of themselves and keep a close watch on their health. In case they develop any symptoms of Covid-19 like fever, dry cough, headache, loss of smell and taste, etc., they should necessarily do not come to work and also inform the concerned medical authorities in Delhi about their health condition. The first step they should adhere to under such a circumstance is to opt for self-quarantine. 
  • Sanitizing the trucks often - This is very crucial to sanitize the interior as well as the exterior of the truck often in order to preclude the chances of infection. 


This is extremely vital that everyone including the truck drivers take the necessary precautions so that the disease can be contained as soon as possible. Although there is nothing to panic about, we all should take the necessary steps to prevent the spread of the virus. Being responsible citizens should use the tata ace for shifting in Pune judiciously and contribute to saving our nation during this difficult time.  

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